Another First for Beauty Kitchen - Making a Difference to Our Forests with Canopy

Our mission is to create the world’s most sustainable beauty products in the world, and we are constantly challenging ourselves to do more and more to make this happen. Over the years, we’ve added a number of firsts to the Beauty Kitchen name - proudly becoming the UK’s first B Corp certified high street beauty business, launching our groundbreaking Return · Refill · Repeat program & automated refill stations and now…we are the first beauty & personal care business in the world to sign up to Canopy! 

As the world deals with the growing impacts of the global climate crisis, we all need to consider how our packaging choices impact the natural world. Forest based packaging is growing annually by 5% and is forecast to double by 2030! Obviously, we want to shift the industry from single use plastic; however, substituting plastic for single use forest-based products is not a sustainable solution either.  It’s hugely important to us that we incorporate cradle-to-cradle principles and the reuse of materials using our Return  Refill  Repeat model in every aspect of our business which is why we are proud to take a stance and create change with Canopy.


In case you didn’t know, Canopy is a not-for-profit forest conservation organisation that works with leading brands around the globe across a range of industries - fashion, publishing, packaging…and now of course, beauty and personal care! Their Pack4Good initiative which we are supporting, focuses on eliminating the use of Ancient and Endangered forest fibres in paper and paper packaging whilst instead making use of lower impact materials such as pulp. You already know the sustainable choices we make with our packaging (read our blog on how we minimise waste) but we want to make even more of an impact alongside Canopy and encourage other businesses to follow suit.  


What we are Committing:  

To help reduce pressure on forests and freshwater systems, as well as to reduce the carbon footprint of the paper and packaging we use, we will continue to lead the market by: 

  • The use of innovative design, recycled fibre and by implementing waste zero processes throughout all areas of our business 
  • Choosing paper packaging with high-recycled content, specifically reusing waste content 
  • Encouraging our suppliers to continuously improve and expand the availability of recycled content 
  • Maximising the overall recycled fibre content of our packaging 
  • Sourcing packaging from alternative sustainable fibres when possible 
  • Supporting research and development of commercial scale production of pulp, paper and packaging 

 “We are thrilled to be early leaders in the beauty sector by making a commitment through the Pack4Good initiative. Like Canopy, our goal is to help create a future where precious resources, like forests, don’t end up as packaging for personal care products, and to prove that there can be a widespread democratising of the circular economy.” - Jo Chidley, Founder of Beauty Kitchen

You can read our full Canopy Pack4Good policy here.