At Home With Beauty Kitchen…How to Make Your Own Sustainable Food Wrap!

At Home With Beauty Kitchen…How to Make Your Own Sustainable Food Wrap!

We’re getting crafty in our kitchens with all this time spent in the house! All of us in the Beauty Kitchen team were thinking of ways to get involved in a few DIY activities whilst still staying sustainable. Our top suggestion was how to create our own sustainable beeswax wrap, which is a great alternative to using clingfilm to preserve food. Just follow these 4 easy steps!

Top tip - simply substitute beeswax for soy wax for a vegan alternative.

What You’ll Need

  • 100% sustainable cotton fabric (or some old fabric you can repurpose)
  • 100g pure beeswax
  • 10g jojoba oil (for its antibacterial qualities)
  • 70g pine resin
  • Brush with fine bristles
  • Saucepan & bowl
  • Pinking shears or scissors
  • Baking paper
  • Oven set to lowest temperature


1. Melt the beeswax, jojoba oil and pine resin into a bowl over a pan on a low heat, stirring every now and again

2. Place the fabric onto a sheet of baking paper and brush your sheet of cotton with the melted mixture. Place another sheet of baking paper on top and bake in the oven for 1 minute to ensure the beeswax mix melts into the fabric evenly.

3. Take the fabric out of the oven and hang to air dry for 5 minutes.

4. Cut the fabric into whatever shape and size you think best using pinking shears to stop fraying (but scissors are fine if you don’t have any to hand!). We’ve gone for 20cm squares which will generally cover your sandwiches!

There you have it…your own sustainable preserving beeswax wrap! You’ll have no need to reach for the plastic cling film once these colourful creations enter your household.

Why We Love Beeswax

100% of our Beauty Kitchen products are cruelty free and the majority are Vegan Society registered, but a small number of our products contain sustainably sourced beeswax (a waste byproduct of the honey industry). For example, our Natruline lip balm which we do have a vegan alternative for!

Our Founder Jo Chidley has a lifetime passion for botany & nature and has been beekeeping since 2008! “I primarily took up beekeeping to make a difference to the plight of bees, but as a herbal botanist I it also made sense to help the local flora and fauna. It’s amazing to watch the colony on its annual journey, growing from 10,000 bees in the winter to 100,000 at the height of summer!”

We always want to be transparent with you on our products which is why we use the Vegan Society Registered logo on our vegan products and list every ingredient on our packagaing & website. We hope you enjoy creating your beeswax wraps!