Vitamin D in Winter - A Daily Dose of Sunshine

The seasons have changed, it’s getting cooler, and the days are getting shorter. Yes, cosy season is here! It does mean that around this time of year, with less exposure to sunlight, it can become difficult for us to maintain the right amount of vitamin D to keep our bodies healthy. We’re here to help fight the winter blues with a daily boost of the sunshine vit.


What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps our bodies to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, which are needed to keep teeth, bones, muscles, and our immune system healthy. It can also protect the skin and improve cell turnover, whilst increasing the number and diversity of microbes in the gut, which can calm inflammation throughout the body.

This vitamin is produced when ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun penetrates our skin and activates vitamin D synthesis. As we go into the winter months, there is less chance for us to become directly exposed to sunlight (always remember sun protection!) so this is a time of year when we can become deficient in vitamin D.


How Does Vitamin D Affect Your Skin

Since Vitamin D deficiency is associated which poor immune function and increased inflammation, this can impact our skin too. Pour skin barrier can become weakened, increasing dryness and accelerate skin issues such as acne, eczema, and rosacea.


How to Get Vitamin D in Winter

As we mentioned, the easiest and quickest source of Vitamin D is to enjoy the outdoors in the sunlight, so definitely try and go out for a lunchtime walk if you can. Between October and March, in the UK, the next best way to increase your vitamin D intake is through a balanced diet that is rich in the vitamin or through supplements.

No matter what sort of diet you eat, whether plant based, meat based or pescatarian, there are so many ways to supplement your vitamin D through food. Incorporating foods such as eggs, oily fish like salmon, fruits and veg like mushrooms or orange juice, that are rich in vitamin D is an incredibly delicious way to boost your intake.


Vitamin D Supplements

So, food supplements shouldn’t be used to replace a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle but are a fantastic way to boost vitamin and nutrient intake if you are struggling - like in the winter months with Vitamin D for example.

Our Immunity Muscle & Bone vitamin gummies contain 25μg (1000 IU) of vitamin D per vitamin which is 500% of your minimum recommended daily intake. So, you can start your day with a burst of golden sunshine to help boost your immune system, support muscle health, and help build strong bones and healthy teeth!

We made sure these delicious, gluten free and natural lemon flavoured chewable vits were created with plant-based pectin and no artificial sweeteners, colours, or flavours, so we could support a range of diets.


Sustainable Vitamins

One in three of us in the UK take vitamins every day, but have you ever noticed how many are packaged in plastic? Single use plastic jars, sachets, pouches, blister packs…it’s estimated that the UK vitamin industry alone creates 100 million single use plastic bottles a year.

That’s why we created our Vitamin Kitchen gummies in FSC certified paper pouches and absolutely zero plastic, simply recycle your pouch as normal once you’re finished. It’s wellbeing for you, AND the planet!
